Solidarity Is This Podcast

This season we surveyed the movement response to attacks by the Trump administration.

December 2017

American Land: Displacement and Removal

In this podcast, Deepa Iyer talks with Janeen Comenote (National Urban Indian Family Coalition) and Pedro Rios (American Friends Service Committee) about borders.

November 2017

Solidarity: Our Community is Our Campaign

Deepa Iyer is in conversation with M. Adams and Kabzuag Vaj, the co-directors of Freedom, Inc to discuss co-liberation practices among Black and Southeast Asian communities in Madison (WI).

October 2017

Solidarity: The Impact of Trauma and Crisis Response Work

Deepa Iyer and guest, Miriam Zoila Pérez of the Oxalis Collective, discuss the impact of trauma in social justice spaces, and how activists can sustain themselves for the long haul.

August 2017

On the Side of Justice: Immigration & Charlottesville

Deepa Iyer discusses two immigration programs that might be on the chopping block with Greisa Martinez and Patrice Lawrence, and Charlottesville with UVA student, Vilas Annavarapu.

July 2017

The Muslim and Refugee Bans

Deepa Iyer explores why the Muslim and refugee bans are discriminatory and inhumane, and how you can engage in solidarity practices. Elica Vafaie (Asian Law Caucus) and Ramla Sahid (Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans) join the conversation.

June 2017

Bystander, Upstander: Solidarity in Portland

Deepa Iyer explores how bystanders become upstanders in the context of the train tragedy in Portland and white nationalism. Joseph Santos-Lyons with the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon and Debjani Roy with Hollaback join the conversation.