Imagine a world where we receive what we need to survive and thrive. What do you see?  What is possible? Who do we become?

Co-liberation invites us to foster spaces for dialogue, understanding, and shared learning. This enables us to explore our differences and similarities, allowing for a more profound connection based on mutual respect and empathy. The journey to co-liberation not only addresses external inequities; it is a path that calls for internal transformation. Co-liberation involves re-evaluating our beliefs and biases, understanding how we contribute to systemic injustices, and actively working to make changes within ourselves even while we work in partnership with each other. 

For all of us to be free, we must challenge and unlearn the oppressive systems within and around us. This is not a one-time act but a continuous process of reflection, accountability, and action. Our commitment to co-liberation requires facing uncomfortable truths and showing up for justice over and over and over again. 

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