Rapid Response Resources

It’s no longer a question of if, but rather when, an emergency might occur in the United States, whether that is targeted violence, a pandemic, climate disasters, or human-made systems breaking down, from unsafe drinking water to power grid failures.

While nonprofit organizations strive to address unanticipated community needs, they are not always prepared or resourced to meet the demands. And, the current environment of cyclical and compounding crises means that many organizations are continually operating in emergency mode.

For nonprofits that may be responding to an immediate crisis, building rapid response infrastructure takes time - a scarce resource during emergencies. This is why the Building Movement Project coordinated two learning spaces in 2024 for movement leaders to identify their rapid response needs and to explore ways to strengthen their existing infrastructure.

Rapid Response Resources contains frameworks and exercises that the Building Movement Project has utilized in trainings and workshops:

Rapid Response Resources draws on lessons learned from several years of providing rapid response 1:1, technical assistance, and group support to organizations that are developing rapid response and movement building strategy. We hope these offerings can be useful within your organizations and networks.