Solidarity Is…
A verb, a practice, a strategy, a process, a connection.
In our society today, gripped by polarization, isolation, and silos, solidarity is more important than ever. This practice guide, developed by Building Movement Project and SolidarityIs, invites people, networks, and organizations to imagine solidarity as a set of practices grounded in six core principles: Centering, Connections, Commonalities, Co-conspiratorship, Co-liberation and Capacity.
The Solidarity Is Practice Guide is an offering from Building Movement Project and SolidarityIs that enables individuals and organizations to engage in transformative solidarity practice. When we engage in transformative practice we have an opportunity to change ourselves, our communities, systems, institutions, and cultural norms.
This practice guide was developed in September 2024.
How might we center those most affected by systems of oppression and shift power to directly impacted communities?
Connections & Commonalities
How might we recognize and address how interlocking systems of power and oppression compound vulnerability for those with multiple identities while building connections across diverse experiences and movements?
How might we move from acknowledging or rejecting our privileges to actively using our resources to redistribute power and take risks in shifting power to directly affected communities?
How might we work together towards mutual freedom by dismantling multi-generational legacies of white supremacy, anti-Black racism, and settler-colonialism, and build a future where everyone has what they need to thrive?
Capacity & Conflict
How might we build and sustain our capacity at the individual, organizational, and movement levels to address conflict and tension effectively, ensuring we can continue this work for the long haul?