State of Solidarity


state of solidarity series

This series, hosted by SolidarityIs at the Building Movement Project, includes three virtual gatherings that will explore the evolving praxis, demands, and trajectories of solidarity within social justice movements. Through reflection, co-learning, dialogue, and resource sharing, we will explore the relevance, responsibilities, challenges and opportunities surrounding solidarity in movements in 2024 and beyond. 

This series is for anyone interested in learning more about solidarity practice and resources.

2024 state of solidarity series

tuesday, APRIL 30, 2 pm PT / 5 pm et
Building Solidarity in an Era of Silos

Fractures are widening. In an age of increasing polarization and division, how can we build bridges across lines of difference and strengthen solidarity? What strategies do we need to sustain connections across the growing chasms of ideology, experience, power, and privilege? 

Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities of building solidarity in our current social and political climate. Register here.


thursday, SEPTEMBER 26, 12 pm PT / 3 pm et
Protecting Cross-Racial Solidarity: Countering Attacks on Each Other 

Threats to democracy continue to shape attacks on us and each other. In the face of polarizing political leadership, rising ethnocentrism, voter suppression, media propaganda and increasing legal attacks on racial equity, cross-racial solidarity can feel more fragile than ever. While social justice movements have brought diverse communities together to build power, we also face internal tensions, distrust, miscommunication, and even attacks against each other. 

Join us as we discuss what’s at stake and explore strategies for strengthening solidarity, bridging divides, and countering these divisive forces. Register here.


thursday, november 14, 9 am pt / 12 pm et
Solidarity Beyond the Elections 

Now what? Democracy is not just about the elections. It is a set of institutions, ideas, and practices that center the power of the people in shaping our lives. On the other side of the elections, how do we ensure that the principles of solidarity and democracy are practiced in everyday actions and decisions? How do we continue to engage communities often forgotten, pushed out, or marginalized by our current democratic system? What tools, resources, and opportunities do we need? 

Join us in unpacking the ongoing work necessary to cultivate a democratic society beyond the ballot box, and centering grassroots organizing and power building locally and nationally. Register here.


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